Todos - Native module

Todos are a native module in zoolo, they represent tasks, tickets, appointments, calls or any other kind of job for zoolo users. Todos can be created for any dataset within zoolo.

As a native view the input fields cannot be changed within the edit mode, however todos can be created and modified within automations.

	name: 'Approve XYZ' // the common name of the task, Required*
	description: 'Check the document XYZ for completenes...', // a more detailed text (wysiwyg)
	date: '2019-09-07T15:00+00Z', // a date to start the todo
	dateEnd: '2019-09-07T16:50+00Z', // a date where the todo should be completed,
	checked: false, // a boolean that indicates wether the todo is done or not
	todos: [
			t: 'One or more small task with the todo to check',
			c: false // a boolean whether the task was done or not
	users: ['19928394838489'], // An array of userIds, that shows to which user this todo was assigned,
	item: {
		i: '19928394838489', // the id of the item the todo is connected to
		w: '19928394838489'  // the wizard Id of the Item the todo is connected to

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