Calendar - Native module

The calendar module allows users with connected mailboxes to create appointments in the calendar of their connected mailbox. Calendar events can be created within automations.

	"title": "Project discussion",
  "description": "Lets talk about our project.",
  "participants": [
      "name": "Max Muster",
      "email": ""
	start: '2022-12-01 20:00',
	start: '2022-12-01 21:00',
	timezone: 'Europe/Berlin',
  "location": "Berlin",

	mailboxId: '1234567889023'        // the mailbox that should be used, leave empty to use your default mailbox,
	"reminder_minutes": 15           // Remin
        "visibility": "private",         // can be 'private', 'public' or 'normal'
        "busy": true,                    // This value determines whether to show this event’s time block as available on shared or     public calendars. This is also called transparency in some systems.
	"conferencing": {                // this feature is in Alpha
		"autocreate": {
				"provider": "Microsoft Teams" // Allowed: Google Meet┃Zoom Meeting┃Microsoft Teams


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